Psoriasis: treatment at home

Along with seborrhea, psoriasis (flake ringworm, itching of the skin) is considered to be one of the most common dermatological diseases. In addition to skin and hair, it is a disease that affects the joints, nails, internal organs. The psoriasis is not possible to be infected by contact with an infected person, but easy to get the inheritance of the parents. Learn how to relieve the itching of the skin with the help of popular and folkloric revenue and the more efficient treatment at home.

the treatment of psoriasis

Description of the disease

The skin flaking and itches, they appear spots, plaques or abscesses — all this may indicate the development of one of the many varieties of psoriasis. To accurately determine the type and form of the disease may only doctor. Flake ringworm occurs as the reaction of the organism to different factors: a decrease in immunity, disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system, the problem of neurology, frequent stress.

It is proven that the cause the disease may even burns of the skin of the integument, of sun or chemical burns. To the group of risk are people who have a genetic predisposition for psoriasis, but also abuse of alcohol or, often, they take hormones.

When severe forms of the disease suffer from the joints (psoriatic arthritis), the blood, the lymph (erythroderma), other organs and systems.

The mechanism of the disease involves the violation of division of cells of the dermis. In the standard, the process occurs about a month, and when lichen with the time reduced by up to 4-5 days. Pink and red spots, grey-white flakes more often appear on the head (face and hair), on the elbows, knees, shins. Annoying itchiness causes scratching of the area specific eruptions almost to the blood. This leads to the proliferation of a pathogenic microflora and the development of dermatitis. Because of the complications they may suffer the hair follicles, which will lead to the loss of yarn.

Attention! If the psoriasis is located on the scalp, you need to treat the skin, not the hair.

Treatment folk methods: pros and cons

The benefits of that revenue that treat psoriasis, too:

  • the diversity and availability of ingredients;
  • low cost;
  • the capacity of, simultaneously with the treatment of the skin, improve the condition of hair;
  • the effectiveness in the fight against the symptoms of the disease, if you believe that the opinions of the users;
  • low probability of adverse reactions (when compared with the medicines).

By cons people methods of healing of the skin and hair of psoriasis are:

  • the lack of official data about how safe and appropriate to apply home;
  • is not very fast the result. And, as in the case of homeopathy, most often observed cumulative effect;
  • the existence of limitations and contra-indications;
  • the possibility of developing an allergic reaction in the skin, in the hair;
  • the risk to overdo it with the dosage. This is dangerous, if you take toxic plants.


Carefully choose the recipes of homemade remedies. If you have allergy to any component of a medicine, take it for the treatment of another tool. Well, folk medicine offers a plethora of options. Not sure how to react to the composition of the skin and hair? To the beginning of the test the cooked mixture, causing a small amount on the area behind the ear, wrist or elbow. Notice the unpleasant sensations — which means, for this recipe you is counter-indicated.

In addition, there are some restrictions related to the treatment of psoriasis during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not make the experience in children less than 18 years of age. Your skin and hair softer than the adults. Also observe the prohibitions of the use of some components in certain diseases (for example, of manganese in the bath, do not match with the patient of the heart).

Attention! It is not possible to apply the revenues of informal medicine in the treatment of psoriasis, without consulting the doctor.

Recipes folk of psoriasis

Before embarking for the treatment of psoriasis at home, adjusting diet and lifestyle. All this improves the general state of the dermis and the hair. Mix work with rest, abandon bad habits, avoid stress, take vitamins.

From the menu delete smoked, chocolate, canned foods, sharp, dishes, fried, and in the acute phase and meat, red vegetable, fruit, soda, sugar, eggs.

Patients who suffer from psoriasis on the head, it is especially important to wash the hair. One of the means is considered to be sodium. You can mix it with a small amount of shampoo or child with normal water. Just connecting components need non-metallic vessel, otherwise, the soda oxidize.

Gently RUB the tool in your scalp, and then wash the hair. Add the powder baking soda fine sea salt, semolina, olive oil, coffee — get the peeling.

To the hair and skin when the psoriasis will be helpful soda bath. 1 procedure you will need a package of powder. Dissolve it in a bath tub with warm water. Sit down and put your head, dropping your hair back. The ears can close. It sits in the position of about 30 minutes. Do the procedure per night, (max 3 in a row), and in the morning, apply to a affected space vinegar, diluted with water.

folk remedies of psoriasis

If the skin rash spread throughout the body, help the salinas swimming. Within 15-20 minutes, take a shower with warm water, where dissolved 1 kg of sea salt. After you do a wash under the shower. You can add the salt, iodine (10 ml), coniferous extract (100 milliliters), tincture of Valerian (75 ml). The frequency is every 3-4 days, but only after consulting your doctor.

In the treatment of psoriasis head RUB in the dermis fine sea salt. After an hour, wash the hair with clean water. In addition, look closely at other rules of personal hygiene. Choose the comb, which doesn't scratch the scalp, temporarily do not dry your hair with the dryer. Use various remedies different spectrum of action (exterior, interior).

Medicines for the treatment of psoriasis should be combined with each other.

The ointment

  1. Grease with vaseline. Take 300 grams of both components. Add to it the egg white, as well as 20 grams of honey, and dry, shredded celandine. Mix and apply to affected psoriasis areas of the body, in the hair over a month. Important: grease should be doctors or fat, free of impurities and additives.
  2. With egg and pork fat. Pour in a jar, a volume of 0.2 liter of vinegar, and put there an egg, and chicken. A day, add 20 grams of pork fat, mix carefully. Spread for destroyed areas in the body or in the vicinity of hair in 1-2 hours. The remains by removing those same places, oil and child cream.
  3. Clear of the eggs. Connect the 20 grams of fresh product, the protein from chicken, eggs, and 2 teaspoons of shampoo for children. Apply on the patches, after 10-15 minutes, and rinse.
  4. Tar with garlic. Soap, contains natural tar, treats dandruff in the hair, regulates the sebaceous glands. Help him and when the psoriasis. Grate the bar on a grater and take 2 tablespoons the finished chip. Add the same amount of fresh garlic pulp. Pour the mixture in a glass of water (0.25 litres), put in the fire. When the greater part of the liquid to evaporate, the ointment will be ready. Cool it and apply on the affected areas along a line of growth of hair all over the body.
  5. With celandine. Take the alcohol-based herbal extract (2 parts), add the linseed oil (4 parts), and vaseline (1 part). With care, mix and spread over the patient places times a day.
  6. Based in ash. Burn twigs of shrubs and oak bark. Join the ashes with vaseline in the ratio of 1:1 and the stain of the affected area just before sleeping. There is another option. Take 25 grams of the ash and add to it doctor grease - 100 grams , egg white and 10 grams of celandine. Let it rest for 2 weeks and apply the psoriasis three times per day.
  7. With absinthe. Rub in the powder dry grass (you can buy in a pharmacy). In equal parts, mix the earth absinthe with melted pork fat. RUB into affected psoriasis, patches, 3 times a day.
  8. With propolis. Crush 10 grams began product, add 200 grams of softened butter. Heat the mixture on low heat. After 15 minutes, remove the plate, slightly let cool and strain, while it is still in a liquid consistency. Apply three times per day, treating the sick places in the body and in the head, near the hair.
  9. Egg-butyric acid. This ointment is recommended especially in periods of exacerbations. Connect 2 fresh chicken eggs with a tablespoon of refined vegetable oils and 40 ml of vinegar. Carefully mix. Apply to affected psoriasis space before sleeping. On top place the eye patch.
  10. From sorrel and celandine. Both plants have that dry, grind into powder and take in the ratio of 1:1. For thickness you should add a locker of tar. Apply the ointment on the patient's skin, on top, a piece of tissue or gauze.

Rinse, tinctures, compresses

dyes psoriasis
  1. Dye the game of the sunflower. To fill 250 grams of the roots of plants and a half liters of vodka. Close tightly and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Periodically stir. Drink ready tincture before eating, adding about 15-20 drops in a small amount of water. For the use of the tool when the psoriasis dilute it with water and RUB into patients space.
  2. Hot soda compress. In half a liter of warm water dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda. Soak this net in pieces of cloth and apply to the sectors, admired psoriasis, until the compress is not cool.
  3. Herbal wash. Useful for those who, in parallel improve the general state of the hair. If the psoriasis is located in the head, dry chamomile, succession, or celandine. Four tablespoons of any herb, pour a liter of water and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Allow to cool, filter, and wash the hair after each wash. Do not rinse.
  4. The compress with chicory. In the glass the ability to add 2 tablespoons of milled roots of plants of 200 ml of boiling water. Keep in water bath for 15 minutes. Let cool, strain. For the treatment of psoriasis use this broth with pieces of gauze and put the patient places for 30 minutes. The course is 10 days.
  5. Tincture of catnip. In general, it is a plant call Out hederacea, but the people called and the canine and feline mint. Do dye may be in one of two ways:
  • dunk 200 grams of herbs, bottle of quality vodka. Support the day, not to filter;
  • pour 2 tablespoons dry raw materials in a glass of vinegar. Insist during the week. When the psoriasis both use the same: three times per day.

By the way. Among the other popular forms of treatment for psoriasis at home — the use of the plaque, remaining in a pot after you boil the milk chopped flakes of fish mixed with the cod, or mass of the oily herring. Any one of the means to cause the affected space in the form of a mini-compact.


the effect of the treatment

If the psoriasis is located primarily on the head, try these recipes of masks for hair:

  1. Onion. Grab some lamps (depends on the length of the wires), and clean and turn into a porridge, taking advantage of blender, or grinder. Distribute over the head, wrap the hair polyethylene and a towel. After 20 minutes, wash the hair in the normal water. To get rid of the smell, it is possible to prepare the rinse with vinegar or lemon juice. With the regular use of a yarn structure of improve, they will be strengthened, and the manifestations of psoriasis sobreviriam not.
  2. Kefir. This optional mask to moisturize the hair, make them softer. Prepare your easy. Spread over the skin and curls gently warm kefir. To isolate the head. After half an hour rinse the hair mask. If necessary, comb out peeling particles dense comb, non-traumatic dermis.
  3. Mud. Involves the use of mud treatments, collected by you during a holiday in a resort, or purchased at the pharmacy. For the treatment of psoriasis at home and improve the condition of hair, dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of main component in a broth of chamomile or marigold. Add a few drops of vitamin B. Apply on the skin and the hair for 15 minutes, rinse. Only do not use this mask for psoriasis treatment at home, if you have heart problems, or blood vessels.
  4. Agrimony. In parallel help in hair loss. Combine 1 tablespoon of oil of burdock leg and the tincture of calendula, add an egg yolk to the chicken. Spread by sick beds, over 1.5 hours wash the hair. If necessary, comb out flakes comb.
  5. Multi-mask material to the hair when the psoriasis. Chop the leaf of aloe vera, press the medicinal liquid. The 6 parts of the obtained juice add 1 part of camphor alcohol, tobacco, and birch tar, and of a chicken egg. Whisk everything until you get a homogeneous mixture. Apply on the affected sites psoriasis, for half an hour. Isolate hair. Rinse the mask from a special shampoo, which is recommended when lichen with the time. In addition, use herbs for infusion of hair.